SC 42 SCAM Play Guide Mockers

What is Star Citizen?

Star Citizen is an upcoming persistent massively multiplayer, space trading and combat game developed and published by Cloud Imperium. This game is pushing the envelope of what a game could be as their technology advances.

The company is creating two games... a MMO(Star Citizen) and single-player game(Squadron 42). The multiplayer game is still a mix of pre-alpha and dreams. CIG is updating mostly quarterly, with each patch, it moves closer to a more playable game. For your BEST experience, it is advised to have someone show you the ropes... chances are this is like nothing you have ever tried to play. Feel free to contact us in Discord if you have any questions. See the How do I play? section to the left for more info on getting an account.

To the right is a YouTube video trailer from Roberts Space Industries (Cloud Imperium) that showcases the game and can help your friends understand what you are so excited about.

Question - Can I play Star Citizen for free?
Answer - YES! A couple times a year they ofter a free fly event were you can create an account and give the "game" a try for free for several days or more. You can try out many of the ships for free at these events. Go to the Roberts Space Industries website for more information on upcoming free events.

Squadron 42?

What is Squadron 42?

Squadron 42 is an upcoming cinematic single-player adventure based on a rookie Navy combat pilot in the Star Citizen universe. You'll experience unprecedented emotion and life with stunningly realistic characters and cutting-edge performance capture of top-tier actors like Mark Hamill, Gary Oldman, and Gillian Anderson. This game is developed and published by Cloud Imperium. This single player game is pushing the envelope of what a game could be as technology advances.

With CitizenCon in Oct 2023, developer Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) has said the single-player space sim is finally “feature complete” and now in the polish phase. No publishing date was given. I am thinking of the end of the year of 2024.

See the YouTube video on the right for Squadron 42 trailer that we saw from CitizenCon 2023.

Question - Can I get Squadron 42?
Answer - Kinda... The only way to "pre-order" the single-player space game was to create an account, hopefully using our ref code :-), and buy a game pack that includes Squadron 42. But they have recently removed that from the store...maybe a price increase with the announcement Squadron 42 is in polishing stage. Game packs that have Squadron 42 also include the MMO Star Citizen. See the How do I play? section to the left for more information on getting an account

Is it a SCAM?

Is it a SCAM?

What is SCAM Citizen? - If you have been around Star Citizen for a while you will hear people talk about Scam Citizen. How Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium will take all your money and run... well they are still here after 10 years. Star Citizen started as a Kickstarter in 2012 after 34,397 backers pledged $2,134,374 to help bring this project to life. Now in 2022 Cloud Imperium has passed over $500 million in pledges. Yes, you can spend way too much money in the "game", but with the addition of buying ships in-game with money you earn in game... you only really need a starter pack with a very basic ship for less than $50. If you want to try out the BIG ships, join an org (like Mockers) and the members can help you out.

See the YouTube video on the right about the StarEngine they have been building for years...that is a lot of work for a scam!

Question - Do I have to spend $100's to play Star Citizen?
Answer - NO! You can try out Star Citizen at one of the free-fly events. If you decide to buy the game, you just need a game package!

How do I play?

How do I play?

Star Citizen is getting better at holding your hand in the game, but there are so many little tricks to try when you get stuck, it is best to find someone to help you. Feel free to contact us in Discord if you want some help or to just talk about the game.

You can check-out our step by step guide on getting an account, buying the game, downloading, and even getting out of bed on your first day!

If you do not already have an account for Star Citizen, use our early access Star Citizen Referral Code, it is a win win. You get an extra $5,000 in game money! We get another referral point to get in game stuff :-)

Early Access Referral Codes:


Who are the Mockers?

We are not a pro-UEE organization. The UEE suppresses free expression and free enterprise. We are independent mercantile traders. However, while we may out of necessity need to defend ourselves from the overbearing UEEN and the sinister Advocacy, we are not at active war with them either.

We are free traders, not griefers. PvP is allowed and encouraged within the confines of lore and expected gameplay, but continued harassment of other players is not.

Check out our Org page at RSI website for more information.

What is Star Citizen? - What is Squadron 42? - SCAM Citizen? - How do I play? - Step by Step Guide - All about the Links - Who are the Mockers?