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How do I play Star Citizen?

Step 1: To play Star Citizen you will need to create a free account. Don't worry, we have made it quicker for you. Click on Getting an Account to get started.

Step 2: The next step is to buy the game. You can get a starter package for less than $50. There are often discount packages during free fly events. This will package will include access to the game and a basic ship. Don't worry about your BASIC ship, it will get the job done and you can always buy a new ship in-game. Click on Buying the Game to get more info.

A couple times a year you can try the game for free during free fly events. You only need a free account to test the game. See the Star Citizen: IAE 2953 - Experience a Universe of Possibilities video trailer for more details.

Step 3: The third step is to download the launcher and game. You will be down loading almost 100 gigabytes so it maybe take a bit. Click on Downloading it all to get more info.

Step 4: The last step is to launch the game and get started. There is a big learning curve, so do not be afraid to ask for help. Click on the Starting the Game link to see our starting guide.

You can contact us in Discord if you have any questions.

Question - What are the Game and Launcher Requirements?
Answer - Short answer...
  • Windows 10 - Anniversary Update (64bit) or Windows 11
  • DirectX 11.1 Graphics Card with 3GB RAM (4GB strongly recommended)
  • Quad Core CPU - Intel: Sandy Bridge or later, AMD: Bulldozer or later
  • 16GB+ RAM
  • SSD strongly recommended

A more detailed answer can be found on their site under System Requirments

Getting an Account

Getting an Account

There are many ways to get a Star Citizen Account, some easier then others. You could go to their website and work your way throught it... many people find this a stumbling block. The quickest way is to just click one of our Referral Code links in the yellow box. You will have your new account in just a few clicks ... and don't worry, you do not have to buy anything to get the free account. :-)

Watch our short video to see the steps in action

Question - How do I get an Early Access or Referral Code?
Answer - You do not need a special code to sign-up for a Star Citizen account. HOWEVER you will loose out on the extra 5,000 in game money. That 5k could set you up with armor & weapons to help get you started. Please use one of our codes as a win-win. You get the extra cash and we get recruitment point to buy in-game items.
Early Access Referral Codes:


Buying the Game

Buying the Game

Once you have a free Star Citizen Account you can "buy" a game package when you are ready to play. This package consist of access to the game and a flyible ship. There are many different ships and game packages, but I would stick with the basic one seen here to get you started. You can always upgrade later if you want to.

Watch our short video to see how to buy a Star Citizen game package or just click the image below to take you directly there.

Question - Can I play Star Citizen for free?
Answer - YES! A couple times a year they ofter a free fly event where you can create an account and give the "game" a try for free for several days or more. You can try out many of the ships for free at these events. Go to the Roberts Space Industries website for more information on up comming free events.

Question - Do I have to spend $100's to play Star Citizen?
Answer - NO! You can just buy a basic game package for less then $50!

Downloading it all

Downloading it all

Downloading Star Citizen can be a long process if you have slow internet like me. Once you have a free Star Citizen Account, you can download and install the game launcher. It is less then 200mb.

When you have finished downloading and installing the launcher, log-in to your account to start the 100gb game download and install.

Watch our short video to see how to download Star Citizen or just click the image below to take you directly to their site.

Question - Can I adjust the download speed?
Answer - Yes! While you are downloading the game, you can open the settings menu on the right hand side of the screen and make the simultaneous number of files and speed adjustments

Question - Can I pause the download and finish later?
Answer - Yes There is a pause button at the bottom of the launcher window to the right of the progress bar. Once paused just unpause it or reopen the launcher and click on the install button again.

Starting the Game

Starting the Game

Star Citizen is a beast. You will continually learn how to work the game, overcome issues and changes they implement with each patch. If you are looking for the one game you can play day to day, you may want to just get your free Star Citizen Account and stick to the free fly events for awhile.

The video guide we created to help you get started barely scratches the surface of the game. In truth, if we tried to make an all-encompassing video with everything you need to know, the game would change before we could publish it :-)

This site is just to get you started with Star Citizen game. The page we use all the time is a collections of external links that cover everything from direct links to Roberts Space Industries pages to sites to help with cargo, ships, landing areas, wiki, video guides, social media and so much more. Feel free to chek it out below.

Question - Does the game crash all the time?
Answer - Sometimes... Since Star Citizen is in open development, there can be issues with a patch or with a new system they are trying to bring in to the game. With the 3.18 patch most people could not even access the game for days.

Question - Can we watch on Twitch?
Answer - Yes! There are many Star Citizen streams for you to watch with every type of gameplay imaginable. Check out Star Citizen on Twitch

Question - Are there Youtube creators?
Answer - Yes! There are countless creators to help you with your Star Citizen Journey. We even have our own org channel that you can see at Star Citizen Crew. To look for the big creators just search for Star Citizen on YouTube

Main Page - How do I Start? - Getting an Account - Buying the Game - Downloading it All - Starting the Game